Love expression is key in raising a blissful home. This expression can be through verbal communication. ‘I love you’: a three-word sentence, but that which has a lot of power in it. Most people find it easy to say, ‘I love you’ or ‘I like you’ to someone outside their homes. If you are that nice to someone outside your home, why not extend it to your family members?
Come unto me all that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest…
Matthew. 11:28
Learn to say nice words to your family members. Husbands, it’s not wrong to say I love you to your wife often. In the Bible, it is recorded that our Lord Jesus Christ said, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these others?’ (John 21:15). And again, He said, “… Do you really love me?” (John 21:16). If Jesus was curious to hear His disciples declare their love, how much more will our family members?
You can communicate your love non-verbally too. Sometimes, a touch speaks just as much as words. A touch can speak volumes of love. Why should family members find it difficult to give a friendly hug to one another, or hold one another’s hands? There is nobody who hates to be loved. When you look at a dead man, all his physical senses are on hold. He cannot communicate whether through words, touch, sight, smell or taste. To keep your family alive and enjoy a blissful family, communication is important.
Love needs to be present and expressed to keep the family alive. Let love find full expression in your family and you will begin to enjoy a blissful family. If others are down, you are the one to encourage them. God’s Word tells us, “The unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife (1 Corinthians 7:14).
As a family that is born again in Christ Jesus, begin to communicate love to the others and God’s grace will cause others to follow suit. Be the initiator. Abraham’s intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah saved his nephew Lot and his entire household (Genesis 18&19).
God wants to save your entire household, and He will use you to do it. Receive God’s grace right now to fulfil this responsibility to your family.
Prayer: Father, I receive grace to love my family and others yet the more. May my love abound in greater dimensions. Help my love life in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Further Reading: 1 Cor. 13:5-12
P.S. Just one word, phrase, clause or sentence can bring the positive change that you need. Find it here @gloryinyou⭐😇
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