Hello Royalty,
Welcome to GLORY IN YOU (GIY) blog! it’s so good to have you here😊!! GLORY IN YOU (GIY) is all about bringing out the best in you and giving you hopes, reasons and inspirations to live your best life here on earth with references from the Word of God. Hence, this blog focuses on “Relationship and Lifestyle God’s way”.GIY was created because we believe that learning broadens your perspective and equips you with better judgment. That by learning new things about relationships and life in general, you’ll make better decisions, unlock great potentials in yourself, act accordingly and begin to shine as the light that you are: full of beauty and praise. In essence, very full of GLORY! 🌟
We, the contributors at GIY hope to share our experiences and thoughts with you and also get to hear from you as well😇
GIY is passionate about inspiring strong relationships of all kinds therefore there will be writings on relationships: marriage, dating/courtship, friendship (and all the other ships that connect people) and also on lifestyle. We’ll be sharing our journeys and thoughts with you. There are contributing writers made up of very trusted people including: counselors, pastors, teachers, entrepreneurs, and many more, all who love Jesus and are living out their relationships and lives God’s way! So, if you’ll love to be inspired and motivated daily, you’ll feel totally at home here.
This blog will not be complicated and lengthy (except where necessary) but, hit the nail on the head as well as being very interesting, practical and full of substance.
Welcome aboard this awesome journey here at GIY. Let’s share, learn, grow and shine!
There is indeed Glory In You 🌟
You can reach us here.
Glory In You
P.S. Just one word, phrase, clause or sentence can bring the positive change that you need. Find it here @gloryinyou⭐
Lastly, here’s something else that could help and is worth mentioning: If improving on your English pronunciations is your cup of tea, CHECK OUT this YouTube channel “Cheryl Udomessien” on Daily Use of English. You will be glad you did.