The world is yours, take it! You are unique and you are on earth to make global impacts. Believe this because there is indeed “glory in you”!
People who have made global impacts are not always special people, neither are they people who are always at an advantage in life nor privileged. Instead, they are people who despite their odds, have risen above and have decided to make global impacts.
Even though impacting your world may sound unachievable, that is not the case.
Global impact can be made by sowing seeds today for the next generations to come.
For example, some people live to being ‘great parents’, trying their best to bring up their children in the way of the LORD and raising up leaders who will in turn create a greater impact tomorrow.
Another angle to looking at making global impacts is acknowledging that it is possible that no one ever gets to know your name despite your good works.
The most important thing is that whenever there is an opportunity, you make impacts with joy and to God’s glory!
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How then can you make global impacts?
The first giant step is that “It starts with ‘yourself'”:
What a man doesn’t have, he can not give! Making global impact starts with working on yourself to be full enough to give out to your family, friends, community, society and the world at large.
Here are 5 things you must start off with:
1. Ask your maker
God has a plan and purpose for each and every one of us. Only the manufacturer of a product can truly say what he/she created it for and how it should/will function.
Since God made you in His own image and likeness, He knows precisely who you are and what you should do or be doing to impact your world. Go to Him and ask Him. I have no iota of doubt that you will get a reply on what to do.
Secondly, ask for grace because “For by strength no man shall prevail“. Pray and ask God for the grace to do that which He has called you to do
2. Have a positive mindset and energy
Do away with the “I can’t do it”, “there are other people out there who are better than me and are already doing it”, and “I am too late to start it”, etc. mentality.
Sometimes, I am guilty of those thoughts but I fight hard to beat them and rise above them. For example. I have always wanted to have a blog for a couple of years now. I have been giving all manner of excuses until now and here I am, producing contents that I am sure you love to read and that’s why you have read this post to this point.
There are so many other examples and you know them. You know those things you have always wanted to do that you keep giving excuses not to. They include: getting a special training, starting a business, starting a family etc. Please go ahead, beat those fears and begin to impact you and subsequently your world!
Stop procrastinating and begin today! Walt Disney said, “the way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing“
3. Meditate
Meditation doesn’t directly mean taking a certain posture or making a kind of humming sound sitting on a mat. I mean, it can include those but certainly not what it’s all about.
Meditation mainly involves calming your thoughts and emotions so that you can have a sense of inner peace and tranquility of spirit.
In the process, you can focus your thoughts on a particular topic like: ‘healing’ from the Word of God, how you can make global impact, how to improve the quality of your life in general etc.
Trust me, at this point, you’ll be surprised of how much insight you’ll get and the ideas that will begin to flow through your mind.
Some people have very noisy minds ALL the time. They are mostly never calm. It shouldn’t be so. They should learn to settle down and meditate.
I meditate mostly in the shower and I get tremendous results including answers to difficult questions, revelations on what I ought to do, and also, a huge percentage of the points that I give in my blog posts mostly come from meditations.
Find out what works for you and try to meditate daily.
4. Develop yourself
Constantly make efforts to grow and develop your skills, talents and everything that makes up you.
When the opportunities come for you to make global impacts, what quality of services will you be providing? Read more books, get that training, be more open to learning something new, expand your horizon and continually invest in yourself.
There are so many useful courses offered by radical scribe at I just got some trainings on networking skills, accent reduction, public speaking and presentation skills all for free!
It was a 3 days session that helped me to deepen my communication skills and build up my confidence to speak to any audience and also network with just anyone. I truly enjoyed myself.
I highly recommend you check out the site. They have both free and paid courses to offer to help you get ahead in your life and business.
5. Be dedicated
This is very important. “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.” Be dedicated to what gives your life meaning and purpose. Be determined to be dedicated at whatever it is you find yourself doing. You will be distinguished, only when you are dedicated. The scripture also says that “…if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.“!
There you have it, the first giant step you need as a prerequisite to impacting your world.
In the next blog post, we shall look at an even bigger giant step. That is, the most important things you should be doing as someone who impacts your world. Please don’t miss it for anything.
See you soon, until then, remain blessed!
Love, Cheryl
P.S. Just one word, phrase, clause or sentence can bring the positive change that you need. Find it here at gloryinyou⭐😇
CHECK OUT my YouTube channel on Daily Use of English with Cheryl Udomessien. That’s something else I’m passionate about. I bet you will find it very interesting😃
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Danile Black
August 9, 2020Most of us jump 1,2 &3, hoping to make impact soley through our physical work.
This is indeed a reminder to the fact, that we all have a source.
Thanks also for the referral on radical scribe.
Continue to dish out value.
August 9, 2020I am happy to read from you. Thank you
Jasmine Harrison
August 9, 2020very thought provoking
August 9, 2020Thanks a bunch
Ekom Etim
August 10, 2020These are mind blowing steps for making global impact. Looking forward for more steps. Thank you Dr, God bless you & your family.
August 10, 2020Thank you Sir. God bless you too
Kenny Igbaroola
August 20, 2020Powerful article. I pray more grace and anointing upon you. The Lord has raised you for such a time like this; you will affect generations after generations globally in Jesus name.