Come unto me all that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest…
Matthew. 11:28
We saw that family life was created to help man and not hinder him; it is not meant to make life worse. Now the question is: whether you are the father, mother, husband, wife, child or relation, can you boldly say with sincerity from your heart that you are a help to others in the home? Or have you been a hindrance to the success of others in the home? Is it your policy at home to help family members? Or do you maintain a survival-of-the-fittest attitude?
This is not the idea of God, so refuse to live like that. A blissful home is raised when families help themselves and others too. Do not allow the devil to cheat you into believing that a blissful family is not for you to enjoy. Your family can still stand out; your situation can still change. The breath of life can still find its way into your family if you will cooperate.
As a wife/mother, God put you beside that man, those children, so you can help them. As a husband/father, God put you beside that woman, children, so you can help them, be an example to them and bring them up the right way. It is not the school teachers’ responsibility to train your children. Children, God put you in that family to be a blessing (Psa. 127:3). Are you a pleasure to your family or pain? If you are about getting married, are you ready to be a help to your mate? Or are you just looking for someone to service your needs? If you are not ready to be a help, watch it and retrace your steps.
To be a help transcends all areas of life. If one party is faltering, the other needs to lift him or her up. The Bible says, ‘If they fall, the one will lift up his fellow’ (Eccl. 4:10). No matter how great your success, your family members will also need to succeed too. If you ignore this, you may eventually be faced with mending their failures. No matter who that member of the family is, the grace of God is sufficient for you to help. It will enable you to be a helper.
Financially, you are also meant to be helpers in your family. Money seeks worshippers; refuse to be its convert; rather circulate it wisely. Money has brought division into many families. Don’t let it bring division into yours. Ensure that you are helpers of one another in this area too.
Prayer: Father, I receive grace to help my immediate family, extended family and my family of faith. Make me a channel of Your help in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Further Reading: Eccl. 4:6-9
P.S. Just one word, phrase, clause or sentence can bring the positive change that you need. Find it here @gloryinyou⭐😇
He also oversees Qua Iboe Church, Oku Township Superintendency as the Superintendent.
A gifted pastor, evangelist and teacher with special insight into the engrafted and undiluted Word of God. A seasoned resource person across the nations with great passion for revival, discipleship, missions, leadership development and youth capacity building.
His life and that of his wife, Aniefiok, and their sons, Barachel and Hansel are living proofs of God’s faithfulness.
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