Another major requirement for enjoying a blissful family is love. Someone once said, ‘Where there is love, there is life’. Love is not an optional thing; it is mandatory for life. The Bible says, ‘…He that loveth not his brother abideth in death’ (1 John 3:14). This scripture is telling us that the absence of love is a sure way for it to pass from life to death. The absence of love in a family is a sure way for a family to merely exist instead of enjoying unhindered bliss.
Come unto me all that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest…
Matthew. 11:28
Until love is communicated among your family members, you may never taste fulfilment in the family. As a husband, your love for your wife must be expressed, because love is not love until it is expressed. The Bible says, ‘God so loved, He gave…’ (John 3:16). God gave His love expression and as children of God, you need to give your love expression.
Let the expression of love for your family emanate from your heart. When your heart is full of loving thoughts, it readily finds expression in the words you speak. If you think negatively about any member of your family, it will not take long for you to begin to speak negatively about that person.
A man (or woman) who abuses his spouse is only saying what he (or she) has been thinking about that person over a period of time. So, change your thinking. Look for the good points in your spouse and stop focusing on the negative.
Love is contagious. When a man loves his wife, not only will he win her submission, every other member of the family and even outsiders will respect him. Love has that effect. It goes beyond just one or two people. Choose to allow your family to be a blissful family by giving love expression. Love expression makes the home a blissful one.
Prayer: Father, I receive grace to love my family and others. Increase love in me which is a requirement for enjoying a blissful family and make me a channel of Your love in the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Further Reading: 1 Cor. 13:1-4
P.S. Just one word, phrase, clause or sentence can bring the positive change that you need. Find it here @gloryinyou⭐😇
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